301-432-2621 PVBC@MYACTV.NET
Saturday Morning Men’s Life Group

Saturday Morning Men’s Life Group

New Study TBD This group is on hiatus as of 7/14/24 Check here, the bulletin, or your e-mail for future study and date information. The Book of James by Francis Chan This study beginning 3/16/24 through 7/13/24 meets at 9:00AMled by Randy Normanstudy guide provided...
Saturday Morning Men’s Life Group

Wednesday Evening Life Group

New Study TBD - begins 9/4/24 This group is on hiatus for the months of July and August 2024. Check here, the bulletin, or your e-mail for future study and date information. book of Acts This study through 6/19/24 meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:00PMled by Bro....
Saturday Morning Men’s Life Group

Post-Service Life Group

New Study Begins 9/1/24 This group is on hiatus as of 7/21/24 Check here, the bulletin, or your e-mail for future study and date information. Psalm 119 by Matt Chandler This study beginning 4/7/24 through 7/14/24 meets after the service on Sundays at 11:15AM in the...