301-432-2621 PVBC@MYACTV.NET

Welcome to Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

Loving - Connecting - Serving

The service and all other church activities for Sunday, 1/19/25 have been canceled.

PVBC is warm and loving and if you are considering a new place of worship or a relocation to our area, we would love to have you be our guest. If you seek a Bible believing, loving, caring fellowship of Believers, we invite you to join us. Our preaching and teaching are centered on the Word of God, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

For opportunities to grow in your understanding of God’s Word, join us for our Life Group Study group offerings listed in our calendar link above, as well as, upcoming events.

Learn More

A Place to Belong

PVBC is a church family who experiences God by investing in each other. Whether you are a committed believer, or you are somebody who is merely exploring faith, we invite you to come and experience what it means to be family with us.

Pleasant Valley Baptist Church:

3346 Gapland Rd
Rohrersville, MD 21779
Phone:  301-432-2621                                                                                    Email:   ten.vtcaymnull@cbvp


Worship Service –  one service begins at 9:50 am (in person and Facebook live-stream)

Adult Life Groups                                                                               Sundays at 8:45am-9:45am and 11:15am-12:15pm

Other assorted Life Groups meet throughout the week. See the calendar for days, times and locations. 

Wednesday’s Life Group meets at 6:30pm